What is Hacking?
Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Hackers Types:
Hackers can be three types -
Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Hackers Types:
Hackers can be three types -
- Black Hat Hacker
- White Hat Hacker
- Grey Hat Hacker
Black Hat Hacker is also called Unethical Hacker or a Security Cracker.
These type hacker hacks the system illegally so that they can steal money or to achieve something they want from this system. They also find financial System like banks System or others Institutions with poor system security to steal money, credit card information and others information as their needed.
White Hat Hacker:
They can also update or delete any system data as well from the system. That's why, Black hat hacker is not legal. They can be Harmful for our society as well as our entire world.
White Hat Hacker is also called Ethical Hacker or Penetration Tester.
In the Hackers World, white hat hackers are famous for their good activity. These type hackers also use the same technique like as the Black Hat Hackers. They also hacks the system like as the Black Hat Hackers. But There is a big difference between Black Hat Hackers and White Hat Hackers
The difference is that White Hat Hackers only hacks the system that they have permission to hack for testing the security of the system. Their responsibility only to focus the security of the system. That's why, White Hat Hacker is legal all over the world.
Grey Hat Hacker:
Grey Hat Hacker is called Hybrid hacker between Black hat Hacker and White hat hacker.
Any system can be hacked anytime by Grey Hat Hacker. They don't need permission to test the security of the system but they don't steal money and any institutions information or don't delete any data of the system. Grey Hat Hacker is also illegal because they test the system security that they do not have permission to test. Sometimes Grey hat hacking is acted as legally and sometimes not.
What is Google Dorking:
Google hacking is also called Google dorking. It is a computer hacking Tricks. It finds security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use. This article is written based on Google Dorking an the video i have shown the steps. This Video is only uploaded for learning purpose.
This is called Google Dorking.
We recommend you watch the above entire video and learn how to do this by then doing your own google searches, not then how to hack a website in 60 seconds - more so that you could help other businesses by uncovering such weaknesses in their site, and approaching them to pass the info on to them. If you want to close a website audit sale or your specialist SEO services thereafter, that would be a total bonus and a one practical application of this info.
We recommend you watch the above entire video and learn how to do this by then doing your own google searches, not then how to hack a website in 60 seconds - more so that you could help other businesses by uncovering such weaknesses in their site, and approaching them to pass the info on to them. If you want to close a website audit sale or your specialist SEO services thereafter, that would be a total bonus and a one practical application of this info.
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