JavaScript is Case Sensitive

Is JavaScript Case Sensitive? Yes, JavaScript is a case-sensitive language. That means keywords, variables, function names, and any other identifiers name is only "Javascript" not "JavaScript". There is difference between "Javascript" and "JavaScript".


There are two variable named "Time" and "TIME" has different meanings in JavaScript language. Because Javascript is Case Sensitive.

NOTE − Because of Case Sensitivity in javascript you must careful while writing variable and function names in JavaScript.


The following example is about JavaScript Case Sensitivity. There are two variable named "book" and "Book". These two variable name is same but because of case Sensitive in javascript language those two variable meaning is different.
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<h3>My book is </h3> 
<p id="example"></p> 
var book, Book; 
book = "English"; 
Book = "Bangla"; 
document.getElementById("example").innerHTML = book; 

Project Source Code:
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<h2>JavaScript is Case Sensitive</h2> 
<p id="example"></p> 
var name = "Bangla"; 
var Name = "Tutorials"; 
document.getElementById("example").innerHTML = name + " " + Name; 
